Health Service
‣ Mental Health
‣ Addiction Problem
‣ Physical Health

Hi-Tech Modern Psychiatric Hospital.
Treatment of all types of mental illness, addiction problems and emergency services.

Rehabilitation Center

Rehabilitation Center or Rehabilitation hospitals, also referred to as inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, are devoted to the rehabilitation of patients with various chronic psychiatric patients, drug abusers, autistic disorder and intellectual disability patients.


The main purpose of counseling is to help the patient amplify the vision of the specific situation and the patients & the patients caregiver are being counseled and psycho education are provided.

Qualified Doctors

Hi-Tech Modern Psychiatric Hospital offered a group of qualified psychiatrists and medical specialist.

Emergency Services

Hi-Tech Modern Psychiatric Hospital these include emergency escort and ambulance services, doctors and emergency medicine services round the clock.


Treatment of all types of mental illness, addiction problems and emergency services.

Meet our Mental Health Specialist

Treatment of all types of mental illness, addiction problems and emergency services.

Professor Dr. Maj Abdul Wahab (Retd.)

MBBS, DPM (D.U) FCPS, (Psychiatry), Professor & Head of The Department, Kumudini Woman’s Medical College, Mirzapur, Tangail. Senior Consultant, BUET.

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Brig. Gen. Professor Dr. Ashfaque Ujjaman Chowdhury (Retd.)

MBBS, MCPS(BD), FCPS (Psychiatry). Ex Professor, Head of the department Armed Forced Medical College.

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Professor Dr. M A Mohit Kamal

Professor of Psychotherapy Adult Psychiatry & Drug Addiction Medical Specialists Psychiatric & Psychotherapist Ex-Professor, National Institute of Mental Health & Research Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka

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Brig. Gen. Prof. Dr. Md. Azizul Islam (Retd.)

MBBS, FCPS (Psych), FRCP (UK), FACP (USA) Mental Diseases, Drug Adduction & Psychiatry Specialist Adult Psychiatry Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Drug Addiction Principal, US-Bangla Medical...

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Featured Articles from Mental Health BD

Hi-Tech Modern Psychiatric Hospital. Treatment of all types of mental illness, addiction problems and emergency services.

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Famous people say about Mental Health Treatment

Treatment of all types of mental illness, addiction problems and emergency services.


At Hi-Tech Modern Psychiatric Hospital

Hi-Tech Modern Psychiatric Hospital. Branch-1: 116, Monipuripara (1 No Gate), Tejgaon, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215. Branch-2: Sara Palace (Beside Old Cinema Hall), Ati Bazar, Keraniganj, Dhaka.

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01711-662709, 01602-268405, 01602-268406

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